Friday, May 10, 2013

She & Him Volume 3

Well, they did it again.  The incredible duo of Zooey Deschanel and M Ward have made another great album.  This album has all the makings of a Summer soundtrack.  Almost all of the songs have a very nice upbeat feel and many discuss love.  The song "Together" has a throwback to what sounds very much like The Carpenters.  Out of the whole album their single "Never Wanted Your Love" stands out.  It has a string arrangement and great harmonies done by the two.  She & Him have not disappointed since their first album, "She & Him Volume 1. 

Each track on this album has a very unique style all it's own.  That is why She & Him albums can be so good over and over again.  With Zooey writing the majority of the music, we get a glimpse into her mind on the topic of love. 

Below if you click on the image it will take you to the album on Spotify which will stream the album for free if you are signed up for the service and if you don't have Spotify, here is the link to the album on iTunes.

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