Friday, May 3, 2013

My Best Friend Of Over 13 Years

Ever since I started school I had friends.  These friends were the kind that you would talk to in school but never really see outside of class other than if they invited you to a birthday party at Sk8 Galaxy.  It was that way until 5th grade.  This new kid with gelled hair came into town.  He was very quiet and shy.  It seemed he had only made one friend.  To my unbeknownst luck, I was mutual friends with the new kids pal.

To make a very long story short, I became friends with this new kid, Cullen was his name.  We would laugh through classes and get in trouble for being immature and chuckling through "Romeo and Juliet".  The teacher would make us (Cullen and I) read aloud, "Too swift arrives as tardy ass too slow?".  Really? You don't think two 13 year olds are going to laugh at that?

Anyway, through the years Cullen and I have continued to be friends.  We now live together with our other best friend Tom who I met in high school.  He puts up with our shenanigans and I'm sure he silently rolls his eyes.  I will have to watch him more closely.

This post is for you Cullen!  Keep being awesome, you manly womanizer you!

The manliest man I know.

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