Thursday, May 2, 2013

Go Outside!

We all struggle to stay fit.  Let's be honest.  We'd rather be watching Netflix and chomping on a deep dish pizza than lifting weights or running on a treadmill.  It does not help that Missouri has been holding onto Winter for as long as it can.  We are finally hitting Spring in May!  I've been suffering from the "Winter Blues" so to speak.  Lack of sun and always staying inside can bring anybody's mood down.  As of late I've been journeying to Creve Coeur Lake.  It has a wonderful trail that circles the entire body of water.  I highly recommend going if you are wanting to exercise and look at some beautiful scenery.  There are a lot of other people there too.  They stay out of your way and you can people watch while you exercise!  It doesn't get much better than that.  Go outside! Get healthy!

View from the trail at Creve Coeur Lake

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