Sunday, May 12, 2013

It's Mother's Day!

We all have one.  Everybody everywhere has one.  It is time to celebrate our mothers.  They are the people who carried our growing selves for nine months in the womb only to have us bust out of them on our birthdays.  Give them some credit.  We made them sick in the mornings and stretched out their bellies and most likely had them waddle around all for us.  They fed us when we were young and they continue to feed us into adulthood.  They love us unconditionally and will always love us no matter what we do.  It's a beautiful thing when you think about it.  This one person in your life will be there for you to count on, to cry on their shoulder, to make them laugh, to have left overs sent home with you after a home cooked meal (I'm looking at you mom).  These extraordinary women have done so much for us, and today is the day that we praise them.  Here's to all you mothers out there!  We love you and thanks for being there for us!

Love ya, Mom!

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